07-05-2024, 08:57 PM
If anyone is looking for rear calipers for their AWD 6000, you can find them here: https://www.fierostore.com/
They are the same as the 1988 Fiero, with the note that the Fiero reverses the right and left from the 6000 AWD. GM Part#'s 3487476 3487477 or A1-Cardone 18-4309 18-4310 do not seem to be available anywhere. I had a bleeder screw break off and then the easy-out broke off and I could not drill out the high strength easy out material. I was able to weld onto it after a day break to get it out but I was sweating for a bit and went looking for new ones just in case.
They are the same as the 1988 Fiero, with the note that the Fiero reverses the right and left from the 6000 AWD. GM Part#'s 3487476 3487477 or A1-Cardone 18-4309 18-4310 do not seem to be available anywhere. I had a bleeder screw break off and then the easy-out broke off and I could not drill out the high strength easy out material. I was able to weld onto it after a day break to get it out but I was sweating for a bit and went looking for new ones just in case.